3.1980 \(\int \frac{\left (a d e+\left (c d^2+a e^2\right ) x+c d e x^2\right )^2}{(d+e x)^{13/2}} \, dx\)

Optimal. Leaf size=83 \[ \frac{4 c d \left (c d^2-a e^2\right )}{5 e^3 (d+e x)^{5/2}}-\frac{2 \left (c d^2-a e^2\right )^2}{7 e^3 (d+e x)^{7/2}}-\frac{2 c^2 d^2}{3 e^3 (d+e x)^{3/2}} \]


(-2*(c*d^2 - a*e^2)^2)/(7*e^3*(d + e*x)^(7/2)) + (4*c*d*(c*d^2 - a*e^2))/(5*e^3*
(d + e*x)^(5/2)) - (2*c^2*d^2)/(3*e^3*(d + e*x)^(3/2))


Rubi [A]  time = 0.118678, antiderivative size = 83, normalized size of antiderivative = 1., number of steps used = 3, number of rules used = 2, integrand size = 37, \(\frac{\text{number of rules}}{\text{integrand size}}\) = 0.054 \[ \frac{4 c d \left (c d^2-a e^2\right )}{5 e^3 (d+e x)^{5/2}}-\frac{2 \left (c d^2-a e^2\right )^2}{7 e^3 (d+e x)^{7/2}}-\frac{2 c^2 d^2}{3 e^3 (d+e x)^{3/2}} \]

Antiderivative was successfully verified.

[In]  Int[(a*d*e + (c*d^2 + a*e^2)*x + c*d*e*x^2)^2/(d + e*x)^(13/2),x]


(-2*(c*d^2 - a*e^2)^2)/(7*e^3*(d + e*x)^(7/2)) + (4*c*d*(c*d^2 - a*e^2))/(5*e^3*
(d + e*x)^(5/2)) - (2*c^2*d^2)/(3*e^3*(d + e*x)^(3/2))


Rubi in Sympy [A]  time = 35.3458, size = 78, normalized size = 0.94 \[ - \frac{2 c^{2} d^{2}}{3 e^{3} \left (d + e x\right )^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{4 c d \left (a e^{2} - c d^{2}\right )}{5 e^{3} \left (d + e x\right )^{\frac{5}{2}}} - \frac{2 \left (a e^{2} - c d^{2}\right )^{2}}{7 e^{3} \left (d + e x\right )^{\frac{7}{2}}} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.

[In]  rubi_integrate((a*d*e+(a*e**2+c*d**2)*x+c*d*e*x**2)**2/(e*x+d)**(13/2),x)


-2*c**2*d**2/(3*e**3*(d + e*x)**(3/2)) - 4*c*d*(a*e**2 - c*d**2)/(5*e**3*(d + e*
x)**(5/2)) - 2*(a*e**2 - c*d**2)**2/(7*e**3*(d + e*x)**(7/2))


Mathematica [A]  time = 0.0819691, size = 67, normalized size = 0.81 \[ -\frac{2 \left (15 a^2 e^4+6 a c d e^2 (2 d+7 e x)+c^2 d^2 \left (8 d^2+28 d e x+35 e^2 x^2\right )\right )}{105 e^3 (d+e x)^{7/2}} \]

Antiderivative was successfully verified.

[In]  Integrate[(a*d*e + (c*d^2 + a*e^2)*x + c*d*e*x^2)^2/(d + e*x)^(13/2),x]


(-2*(15*a^2*e^4 + 6*a*c*d*e^2*(2*d + 7*e*x) + c^2*d^2*(8*d^2 + 28*d*e*x + 35*e^2
*x^2)))/(105*e^3*(d + e*x)^(7/2))


Maple [A]  time = 0.009, size = 73, normalized size = 0.9 \[ -{\frac{70\,{x}^{2}{c}^{2}{d}^{2}{e}^{2}+84\,xacd{e}^{3}+56\,x{c}^{2}{d}^{3}e+30\,{a}^{2}{e}^{4}+24\,ac{d}^{2}{e}^{2}+16\,{c}^{2}{d}^{4}}{105\,{e}^{3}} \left ( ex+d \right ) ^{-{\frac{7}{2}}}} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.

[In]  int((a*e*d+(a*e^2+c*d^2)*x+c*d*e*x^2)^2/(e*x+d)^(13/2),x)




Maxima [A]  time = 0.75493, size = 104, normalized size = 1.25 \[ -\frac{2 \,{\left (35 \,{\left (e x + d\right )}^{2} c^{2} d^{2} + 15 \, c^{2} d^{4} - 30 \, a c d^{2} e^{2} + 15 \, a^{2} e^{4} - 42 \,{\left (c^{2} d^{3} - a c d e^{2}\right )}{\left (e x + d\right )}\right )}}{105 \,{\left (e x + d\right )}^{\frac{7}{2}} e^{3}} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.

[In]  integrate((c*d*e*x^2 + a*d*e + (c*d^2 + a*e^2)*x)^2/(e*x + d)^(13/2),x, algorithm="maxima")


-2/105*(35*(e*x + d)^2*c^2*d^2 + 15*c^2*d^4 - 30*a*c*d^2*e^2 + 15*a^2*e^4 - 42*(
c^2*d^3 - a*c*d*e^2)*(e*x + d))/((e*x + d)^(7/2)*e^3)


Fricas [A]  time = 0.22062, size = 143, normalized size = 1.72 \[ -\frac{2 \,{\left (35 \, c^{2} d^{2} e^{2} x^{2} + 8 \, c^{2} d^{4} + 12 \, a c d^{2} e^{2} + 15 \, a^{2} e^{4} + 14 \,{\left (2 \, c^{2} d^{3} e + 3 \, a c d e^{3}\right )} x\right )}}{105 \,{\left (e^{6} x^{3} + 3 \, d e^{5} x^{2} + 3 \, d^{2} e^{4} x + d^{3} e^{3}\right )} \sqrt{e x + d}} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.

[In]  integrate((c*d*e*x^2 + a*d*e + (c*d^2 + a*e^2)*x)^2/(e*x + d)^(13/2),x, algorithm="fricas")


-2/105*(35*c^2*d^2*e^2*x^2 + 8*c^2*d^4 + 12*a*c*d^2*e^2 + 15*a^2*e^4 + 14*(2*c^2
*d^3*e + 3*a*c*d*e^3)*x)/((e^6*x^3 + 3*d*e^5*x^2 + 3*d^2*e^4*x + d^3*e^3)*sqrt(e
*x + d))


Sympy [A]  time = 95.4466, size = 510, normalized size = 6.14 \[ \begin{cases} - \frac{30 a^{2} e^{4}}{105 d^{3} e^{3} \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d^{2} e^{4} x \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d e^{5} x^{2} \sqrt{d + e x} + 105 e^{6} x^{3} \sqrt{d + e x}} - \frac{24 a c d^{2} e^{2}}{105 d^{3} e^{3} \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d^{2} e^{4} x \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d e^{5} x^{2} \sqrt{d + e x} + 105 e^{6} x^{3} \sqrt{d + e x}} - \frac{84 a c d e^{3} x}{105 d^{3} e^{3} \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d^{2} e^{4} x \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d e^{5} x^{2} \sqrt{d + e x} + 105 e^{6} x^{3} \sqrt{d + e x}} - \frac{16 c^{2} d^{4}}{105 d^{3} e^{3} \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d^{2} e^{4} x \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d e^{5} x^{2} \sqrt{d + e x} + 105 e^{6} x^{3} \sqrt{d + e x}} - \frac{56 c^{2} d^{3} e x}{105 d^{3} e^{3} \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d^{2} e^{4} x \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d e^{5} x^{2} \sqrt{d + e x} + 105 e^{6} x^{3} \sqrt{d + e x}} - \frac{70 c^{2} d^{2} e^{2} x^{2}}{105 d^{3} e^{3} \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d^{2} e^{4} x \sqrt{d + e x} + 315 d e^{5} x^{2} \sqrt{d + e x} + 105 e^{6} x^{3} \sqrt{d + e x}} & \text{for}\: e \neq 0 \\\frac{c^{2} x^{3}}{3 d^{\frac{5}{2}}} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.

[In]  integrate((a*d*e+(a*e**2+c*d**2)*x+c*d*e*x**2)**2/(e*x+d)**(13/2),x)


Piecewise((-30*a**2*e**4/(105*d**3*e**3*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d**2*e**4*x*sqrt(d +
 e*x) + 315*d*e**5*x**2*sqrt(d + e*x) + 105*e**6*x**3*sqrt(d + e*x)) - 24*a*c*d*
*2*e**2/(105*d**3*e**3*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d**2*e**4*x*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d*e**
5*x**2*sqrt(d + e*x) + 105*e**6*x**3*sqrt(d + e*x)) - 84*a*c*d*e**3*x/(105*d**3*
e**3*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d**2*e**4*x*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d*e**5*x**2*sqrt(d + e*
x) + 105*e**6*x**3*sqrt(d + e*x)) - 16*c**2*d**4/(105*d**3*e**3*sqrt(d + e*x) +
315*d**2*e**4*x*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d*e**5*x**2*sqrt(d + e*x) + 105*e**6*x**3*sq
rt(d + e*x)) - 56*c**2*d**3*e*x/(105*d**3*e**3*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d**2*e**4*x*s
qrt(d + e*x) + 315*d*e**5*x**2*sqrt(d + e*x) + 105*e**6*x**3*sqrt(d + e*x)) - 70
*c**2*d**2*e**2*x**2/(105*d**3*e**3*sqrt(d + e*x) + 315*d**2*e**4*x*sqrt(d + e*x
) + 315*d*e**5*x**2*sqrt(d + e*x) + 105*e**6*x**3*sqrt(d + e*x)), Ne(e, 0)), (c*
*2*x**3/(3*d**(5/2)), True))


GIAC/XCAS [A]  time = 0.20879, size = 146, normalized size = 1.76 \[ -\frac{2 \,{\left (35 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{4} c^{2} d^{2} - 42 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{3} c^{2} d^{3} + 15 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{2} c^{2} d^{4} + 42 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{3} a c d e^{2} - 30 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{2} a c d^{2} e^{2} + 15 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{2} a^{2} e^{4}\right )} e^{\left (-3\right )}}{105 \,{\left (x e + d\right )}^{\frac{11}{2}}} \]

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.

[In]  integrate((c*d*e*x^2 + a*d*e + (c*d^2 + a*e^2)*x)^2/(e*x + d)^(13/2),x, algorithm="giac")


-2/105*(35*(x*e + d)^4*c^2*d^2 - 42*(x*e + d)^3*c^2*d^3 + 15*(x*e + d)^2*c^2*d^4
 + 42*(x*e + d)^3*a*c*d*e^2 - 30*(x*e + d)^2*a*c*d^2*e^2 + 15*(x*e + d)^2*a^2*e^
4)*e^(-3)/(x*e + d)^(11/2)